5 простых утверждений о pinco Разъяснения

The player's requesting a refund of deposit as it was a 3rd party payment. The complaint was closed as the player stopped responding.

After his complaint was submitted, he confirmed that his account had been successfully verified. He then reported that his payment had been approved and later credited. Finally, he confirmed that all his withdrawals had been successfully received. As a result, we had marked the complaint as resolved.

We had contacted GetSlots, who had stated that the player had not completed the verification process. The player had provided the necessary documents via email, as he couldn't log into his closed account. The casino then had processed his refund, which the player confirmed he had received. The issue had been successfully resolved and the complaint had been closed.

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We rent all of our games from different providers, which means that you have the same chance to win with us as you have on any other gaming site.

The player from Austria deposited approximately 450 Euros but the amount was not credited to his casino account. Despite being debited from his account, the transferred money never arrived and support has not resolved the issue for 3 weeks. We closed the complaint becasue the player didn't reply to our messages and questions.

Thanks for sharing your feedback.We appreciate your kind comments.We’re glad you feel satisfied with our product overall and game quality,but we are sorry to hear that you’re having difficulties with the verification.

The player was asked to complete KYC verification, which was accepted, but the payout was delayed. After continuous follow-up, the casino confirmed the refund was processed. The player received the transaction confirmation and informed the Complaints Team, leading to the complaint being marked as resolved.

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Judging by the responses we have received, we consider the customer support of PinoCasino to be good.

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The player from Ireland requested a withdrawal of €50 two click weeks ago, but still hasn't received the funds. The player later confirmed that the issue was resolved.

The player from Germany is dissatisfied with withdrawal process. The player confirmed the issue was resolved.

We’re glad you feel satisfied with our service overall, but we are sorry to hear that you’re having difficulties with the verification.

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